Hong Ik Martial Arts Home Online Training Review
“Hi Master Kim, thank you so much for thinking about Kayllie and Kayden for the zoom classes, every time Kayden has zoom classes he gets very happy and excited to be able to practice what he loves the most! Kayllie was so happy to see you and after the class she cried, actually saying she wants to go back to classes. In reality we all miss going there and learning!!!
Thank you so much for helping us make the best of this time at home!!”

— Darling (Mother of Kayllie and Kayden)
“Dear Hong Ik Family – as that’s what you really are, a family! Without missing a beat, the Hong Ik team have done an amazing job keeping the
students (and families) engaged in mind, body and spirit.
We’ve so enjoyed the brain training and the training videos each week. Keeping a good training routine going has been physically as well as
emotionally uplifting. As for the live group classes and individual sessions – they have been next level in terms of dedication and commitment from
the Hong Ik Family. We miss you all, and are so grateful for all that you’re doing for the students and families.”
— Ruben and Emily (mum!)

— Ruben and Emily (mum!)