Hong Ik Martial Arts of Bronxville Meaning of Oh Haeng
OH HAENG The meaning of Oh is five. The original meaning of Haeng is intersection, but it currently also means “go forward – at the intersection, you need to choose a direction and go forward”. You may better understand Oh Haeng as the five essential elements...
賢 士 현사 HYUN SA
How to become a HyunSa The level of HyunSa is awarded to those black belts who reach 4th degree black belt and graduate from the SUSA training program, achieving the highest (Chief) SUSA rank. The meaning of Hyun is benevolent or compassionate, and Sa means a...
HST April 14 – Hong Ik Martial Arts of Mahwah, NJ
Hong Ik Martial Arts of Mahwah, NJ HST-Hyunsa and SuSa Training Sunday April, 14th, 2019 Each month, the Hong Ik Martial Arts community holds training for the Hyunsa (Masters) and SuSa (Instructors). The training typically takes place at the Tarrytown Location and is led by Grand Master Yoo....
“Hong Ik Martial Arts Fair Lawn” – Warren Point 1st grade Martial Arts Experience”
When: Saturday, March 30th 2019Where: Hong Ik Martial Arts of Fair Lawn Who: Warren Point 1st graders https://youtu.be/DyqJUOhVWL8 ...
Hong Ik Martial Arts of Bronxville – Open House March 24th
On March 24th Hong Ik Martial Arts in Bronxville held its first Open House. Numerous kids and adults stopped by to get a tour of our new dojang and enjoy free lessons and some nice treats. SUSA and MUSA proudly joined Grand Master Yoo, Master Oh...