Mr. Miller no longer needs medication for blood pressure.
Tae Kwon Do is a traditional Korean martial art that emphasizes kicks, flexibility and full contact sparring. Generally this is thought of as an art for the young. Between the Olympics and YouTube showcasing younger adults demonstrating amazing skills, starting as an older adult can be intimidating for some.
Fortunately Mr. John Miller was not one to be intimidated. At the young age of 61, Mr. Miller decided he wanted to get back into shape and needed something with a regular schedule and milestones to help get him started. At the time he was overweight, had high blood pressure which he was on medication to help control and he had poorcardiovascular endurance.
The first Tae Kwon Do school he visited turned him away because they felt he would not be able to keep up with their program at his age and current condition. Fortunately that did not deter him and Mr. Miller joined Yoo’s Martial Arts in October of 2007.
In the 8 years Mr. Miller has been training at Yoo’sMartial Arts, he has earned the rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt. Through the course of his training Mr. Miller has lowered his blood pressure so that he no longer needs medication for it, has met his weight goals and has started running on a regular basis to continue to improve his cardiovascular health.
Mr. Miller retired recently and moved back to Jamacia. And while he will be missed in our regular classes, Mr. Miller is taking what he has learned and is sharing it with his family and friends so that they too can benefit from the training and skills he has gained while training with us at Yoo’s Martial Arts.