2018 October Black Belt Outdoor Test
Hong Ik Martial Arts
Black Belt Outdoor at Rockefeller Trail
On Sunday, October 7th 2018 all Black Belt candidates met up at 6:30Am before the sun came up to get ready for their outdoor black belt test. Some students were nervous while others looked forward to the challenges ahead.
The outdoor test is comprised of 5 parts.
Back Pack Running – Back pack running is about a 1.5 mile run from the start location to the lake where we congregate. The students are required to wear their backpacks which contain 2 bottles of water and some extra clothing and towels. The weight of the bag ads as an extra challenge through this stage. During this stage, many students feel the challenge and know its just the beginning, this can bring out emotions like fear and anxiety. Breaking through these fears bring a lot of benefit and can serve as a powerful boost for the rest of the test. The students did very well during this stage, with very few giving into negative mental traps.
Mid-Distance Running– After we congregate by the lake, candidates remove their bags, take off extra clothing, and prepare for Mid-Distance Running. Mid-Distance Running is a large loop 1 mile loop which meets back at the lake. During this run students are encouraged to seek their potential. Potential is always behind what we fear and what holds us back. Students who are able to dig deep and keep a positive mind-set can shed their old beliefs about what they are capable of, and discover new possibilities. Masters are on high alert during this stage to see which students stand out and which students struggle. The students did very well during this stage, many exceeded our expectations.
700 Meter Lake Run– After completing the Mid-Distance Run, students prepare for a run around the lake. This run is short, but not so short that its not a challenge. After running close to 3 miles, the students are asked again to dig deep, and encouraged to look within to find their potential and run it as fast as they can. The students are timed and placed in order of first to last after they return, allowing masters to see which students pushed the hardest. Students did very well in this stage, with very few students giving into their desire to rest, and many making discoveries about themselves that they may have never had the chance to discover before.
Sprints– This stage is the final challenging stage of the test. Candidates are asked to do 3 sets of 100 meter sprints. This stage is usually an enjoyable stage for students who struggle during the longer distance runs. It gives them a chance to run as fast as they can without worrying about the fatigue that comes along with it. They can fully shed their fear and explore their confidence. If there are any students who feel discouraged about the test, this is a good chance for them to redeem themselves. All students rose to the tops of themselves during this stage, and the masters are pleased with their performance.
Meditation– During the meditation stage, candidates sit down, look into themselves, focus on their breathing and become tranquil with nature surrounding them. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience inner peace. Having just gone through a struggle, having cleared themselves of worry and stress, they can sit, reflect and observe their body’s and mind’s. All students sat peacefully.
The Outdoor Test was a great success. We are proud of the candidates and look forward to seeing them excel once again during the Indoor Test on October 13th2018. Good job and good luck!