I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the wonderful people in your school. It all started with let’s find something for them to do during pandemic and turned into something much more than that. Adeline and Jonathan love coming to the school and they have built a lot confidence and focus from practicing Taikwondo. They both have the utmost respect as well as love for the masters, I also see how they applied what they learnt from the class and expressed themselves differently outside of the class. I can’t thank you enough for your devotion and commitment from your school. Yesterday, Adeline won the spirit award, she was very proud and happy. I am grateful that you gave her the award not to both of them, worrying Jonathan is being upset. It is an important lesson for him to learn how to be happy and celebrate other people’s success. Thank you, see you soon.
-Joyce (mother to Adeline and Jonathan)